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1. Defining Africanness is multilayered.

A. True

B. False

2. List 5 ways one can define Africanness, or one can be said to be an African.


1. Legal

2. Philosophical

3. Cultural

4. Genotype (Genetic/DNA) - skin color

5. Phenotype - outward appearance

3. How many categories or groupings of culture do we have? List them.

A. 3; Tangible, Semi-tangible, Intangible

B. 2; Tangible, Intangible

4. What caused the movements of Africans to other parts of the world (African Diaspora).


1. Conflicts

2. Colonialism (French policy)

3. Trans- Saharan and Trans-Atlantic slave

4. Ancient voluntary migration

5. Education

6. Diplomatic posting

7. Pursuit of economic interest

5. In defining Africa, how can it be defined?


1. Race

2. Descent

3. Political

4. Geographic

5. Allegiance

6. How many states make up the AU?

A. 54

B. 45

7. Africa is not a country, but a continent.

A. True

B. False

8. List any phrases among the ways in which Africa has been misrepresented.


1. Africa has no history

2. Africans have no civilization

3. Africa is the dark continent

4. Africans have inferior minds

9. How many types of narratives about Africa do we have? List them.

ANS: 2 (Except Africa Narrative & Doomsday Narrative)

10.Which narrative tells Africa to change due to the fact that, development is everywhere in the world but not in Africa?

A. Except Africa

B. Accept Africa

11. What am I, I'm a Narrative which states that there is crisis of overpopulation in Africa, poverty, drought, corruption etc?

A. Grand

B. Doomsday

12. In which narrative does African states solutions come from outside since Africans are not competent to solve its created problems?

ANS: Doomsday

13. List any cultural practices and systems debated on.


1. Extended family system

2. Herbal Medicine

3. Ritual killings

4. Circumcision

5. Widowhood rites

6. Whild labour

7. Witchcraft

14. List 5 of the good representations of Africa. ANS:

1. Dwenini Mm3n (Ram's Horns)

2. World's first Female physician

1. World's first medical text

2. World's first writing system

3. World's first mathematical tool

15 Coffee originates from_______________

A. Africa

B. America

16. How many types of coffee do we have? Name them.

ANS: 3

1. Arabica - originates in Ethiopia

2. Robusta - originates in Congo

3. Liberica - originates in Liberia

17. Among the types of coffees, we have, which one has the highest quality?

A. Liberica

B. Arabica

18. When was coffee introduced___________

ANS: It was introduced into Dutch colonies in Java in the 1690s

19. List the 5 African countries which are in coffee production.


1. Ethiopia

2. Tanzania

3. Rwanda

4. Kenya

5. Cote d'Ivoire

20. List any two commodities according to your slides which are global products.


1. Cocoa

2. Coffee

21. How many dimensions are the study of African studies? Name them.

ANS: 3

1. Research/ knowledge production

2. dissemination of knowledge and teaching

3. the application of knowledge/transformation of knowledge into policies and social action

22. Define African studies?

ANS: It's a formally organized multidisciplinary academic study of the continent of Africa and the African Diaspora

23. List 5 ways of assessing sources of Africa


1. Archeology

2. Linguistics

3. Oral traditions

4. Ancient written sources

5. New media- website, internet, video games

24. List four type of written sources.


1. Primary sources - files etc.

2. Secondary sources – books etc.

3. Tertiary sources - bibliography etc.

4. Institutional sources - libraries etc.

25. Define the political geography of Africa?

ANS: It accounts for physical and conceptual presence of Africa and African cultures, political systems and values across time and space.

26 Define the physical aspect of political geography?

ANS: It refers to what the map of Africa represents, its people, traditions and political institutions.

27. In how many divided regions can we physically divide Africa into? Name them.

ANS: 2

1. Sub-Saharan Africa

2. North Africa (Maghreb)

2.8 What am I, I'm the second largest continent after Asia?

A. Africa

B. Russia

29. As at 2019 how many populations live in Africa?

A. About 1.32 billion

B. About 1.23 billion

30. What's the Continental Africa stretch from Cape Town to Cairo?

A. 500 miles

B. 5000 miles

31. What's the Continental Africa stretch from Dakar to Mogadishu?

A. 300 miles

B. 3000 miles

32. What's the land area of Africa?

ANS: about 11, 700,000 km²

33. List the European countries which are combined to give the size of Africa?


1. USA

2. Argentina

3. Europe

4. India

5. China

6. New Zealand

34. How many times is the population of Africa to USA?

A. 3 ¹/2

B. 3

35. Most African states are multilingual.

A. True

B. False

36. List 4 Africa states which are not multilingual.


1. Somalia

2. Swaziland

3. Lesotho

4. Botswana

37. How many languages does Nigeria have?

A. over 500

B. 500

38. How many languages does Kenya have?

A. 100

B. Over 100

39. Which continent is known to be the cradle of Humanity?

A. Africa

B. Russia

40. The first humans lived on ______________

ANS: African soil.

41. How many states are there in Asia and America?

ANS: The former is 49 while the latter is 12

42. In which conference did the Europeans gather to share out the African spoils?

ANS: Berlin conference, 1884 - 1885

43. List 5 countries in Africa the Great Britain took hold of in the Africa partition.


1. Ghana (Gold Coast)

2. Gambia

3. Sierra Leone

4. Zambia

5. Zimbabwe

44. List 2 countries in Africa the France took hold of in the Africa partition.


1. Gabon

2. Republic of Congo etc.

45. Name one country in Africa the Belgium and its King took hold of in the Africa partition.

ANS: Democratic Republic of Congo

46. List 2 countries in Africa the Portuguese took hold of in the Africa partition.


1. Mozambique

2. Angola

47. List 2 countries in Africa the Italians took hold of in the Africa partition.


1. Somalia

2. Ethiopia

48. List 4 countries in Africa the Germans took hold of in the Africa partition.


1. Namibia

2. Tanzania

3. Togo

4. Cameroon

49. List 2 countries in Africa Spain took hold of in the Africa partition.


1. Equatorial Guinea

2. Spanish Sahara

50. One of the smallest countries among the rest is_____________

ANS: Equatorial Guinea

51. What is Pan - Africanism?

ANS: It's an undoubtedly the result of slavery and colonialism in Africa.

52. When was the first pan-African conference held?

ANS: July 1900 in London

53. Who founded the African Association?

ANS: H. S. Williams in 1898

54. Which association setup later metamorphosed into the Pan African Movement?

ANS: Pan African Association

55. State any three goals of the Pan African Movement.


1. Promote African businesses or commerce globally

2. secure the civil right of all African in the world.

3. create the United States of Africa.

56. Who was the father of Pan Africanism?

ANS: W. E. B. Du Bois

57. List 5 Pan African Movement leaders you know of.


1. H. S. Williams

2. W. E. B. Wood

3. Marcus Garvey

4. George Padmore

5. Kwame Nkrumah

58. Who is the father of Pan Africanism on the African continent?

A. Kwame Nkrumah

B. John Mahama

C. Akuffo Addo

59. List 4 legacies of the Pan African Movement

1. formation of the OAU/AU

2. African studies /Afrocentrism

3. Independence of Africans

4. Global civil right for people of African descent

60. Despite not achieving the USA - Africa, what has been achieved in that regard?

ANS: ACP: African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of states.

61. Which year was marked as the year of return?

A. 2009

B. 2019

62. The first Africans recorded to have landed in English colony of ______ arrived on_______

ANS: Jamestown & Virginia; on August 20th, 1619

63. Out of the first landing of Africans, how many odd Negroes suffered this victim?

A. 20

B. 200

64. As at 2019, what's the recorded year of landing of enslaves Africans?

ANS: the 400th year

65. Why did Ghana declare 2019 as the year of Return?


1. Ghana is the first Sub Saharan County to win independence from colonialism

2. Ghana once harbored the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade in some of its territories.

3. Ghana was chosen as pilgrimage destination etc.

66. Who said this, 'from their life experiences, a group develops a set of rules and producers for meeting their needs. The set of rules and procedures, together with a supporting set of ideas and values is called a culture"

ANS: Amos N. Wilson

67. Who defined culture as essentially the society's composite answer to the varied problems of life?

ANS: Steve Biko

68. who am I, I defined culture as that complex whole which includes knowledge, morals, religion, customs and habits or any other capabilities acquired by man as a member of society?

ANS: E. B. Tylor.

69 ___________refers to the whole body of efforts made by a people in the sphere of thoughts to describe, justify and praise the action through which that people have created itself and keeps itself in existence? Who said that?

ANS: National Culture; said by Frantz Fanon

70. List 5 aspects/domains of life included in culture.


1. Economy

2. Political

3. Technology

4. Entertainment

5. Languages

71. Who am I, I defined development as a process by which people create and recreate themselves and their life circumstances to realize higher levels of civilization in accordance with their own choices and values.?

A.S.: A.C.-1996

72. Culture is created naturally.

A. True

B. False.

73 What's the norm In Africa?

ANS: Multilingualism

74. Development is said to be culture specific.

A. True

B. False.

75 What is said to be the entirely of the African way of life?

ANS: African culture

76. Culture does not imply absolute homogeneity.

A. True

B. False.

77. Who said this “A culture is essentially the society’s composite answer to the varied problems of life”

A. Kwame Nkrumah

B. Steve Biko

C. E.B. Tylor

78. Who defined culture as the set of rules and procedures, together with a supporting set of ideas and values.

A. Steve Biko

B. Nkrumah

C. Amos N. Wilson

79. Culture is Dynamic means?

A. Culture Changes

B. Culture remains static

by s13a4df5t6y7 | 2024-06-04 22:58 | Entertainment

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