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How to Check Your NSS Pincode

How to Check Your NSS Pincode_e0437463_21465850.jpg

The National Service Scheme (NSS) in Ghana uses pincodes for student registration. Here's a guide on how to check yours:

Retrieving Your Pincode

After NSS releases the PINCODES, you must simply open this link to retrieve yours .


  1. Visit the NSS portal by clicking this link:
    [portal.nss.gov.gh/check-pin] (This link will be provided when NSS releases the pincodes)

  2. Enter your School Index Number (also known as your student ID number) in the designated field. It should look something like this: MSE/0045/19 (format may vary).

  3. Below the Index Number field, enter your Date of Birth.

Important: Ensure both your Index Number and Date of Birth are accurate.

  1. Click the SEARCH button.

Step 2: Viewing Your Pincode

Upon clicking "SEARCH," you should see a screen displaying the following information:

  • Pincode: This will be an alphanumeric code, for example, LQYGDM3791520.
  • Your Name
  • Program of Study
  • Name of College/University

Please Note:

  • The pincode is always alphanumeric (containing both letters and numbers).
  • You'll need to activate the pincode before using it for registration.

Additional Information:

  • Stay tuned for announcements from NSS regarding the release of pincodes.
  • Keep your School Index Number and Date of Birth readily available for this process.

By following these steps, you can easily check your NSS pincode and proceed with the registration process.

by s13a4df5t6y7 | 2024-05-18 21:47 | Entertainment | Comments(0)

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