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Facts About The Ongoing Matriculation On University Of Ghana Campus.

Facts About The Ongoing Matriculation On University Of Ghana Campus._e0437463_19511308.jpeg

University of Ghana Matriculation Day: A Celebration of New Beginnings

Accra, Ghana - February 17, 2024: The University of Ghana campus is abuzz with excitement today as it welcomes its newest cohort of students for the 2023/2024 academic year. With the theme "Embracing Excellence, Shaping the Future," the university is celebrating its matriculation ceremony, marking a significant milestone for both the institution and the incoming students.

Virtual Ceremony:

This year's ceremony is being held virtually due to the ongoing pandemic. Despite the online format, the university has ensured a festive and engaging experience for the new students. Live-streamed speeches from dignitaries, performances by cultural groups, and interactive elements are keeping the spirit of celebration alive.

College-Based Activities:

While the main ceremony is virtual, individual colleges within the university are organizing separate activities for their new students. These activities aim to foster a sense of community and belonging among the freshers, providing them with an opportunity to connect with their peers and faculty members.

Student Reactions:

Despite the virtual format, the new students express a sense of excitement and anticipation. Many are eager to begin their academic journey at one of Ghana's most prestigious universities.

"I'm thrilled to be starting this new chapter at the University of Ghana," says Ama Serwaa, a freshman enrolled in the College of Humanities. "Even though the ceremony is virtual, I feel the excitement and can't wait to meet my classmates and professors."

Challenges and Opportunities:

The virtual format presents both challenges and opportunities. While it ensures the safety of participants during the pandemic, it also limits the sense of personal interaction and connection that traditionally characterizes matriculation ceremonies. However, the university's efforts to create an engaging online experience and facilitate interactions within colleges aim to bridge this gap.

Looking Ahead:

The matriculation ceremony marks the beginning of an exciting journey for the new students at the University of Ghana. As they embark on their academic pursuits, they will have the opportunity to learn, grow, and contribute to shaping the future not only of themselves but also of their communities and the nation at large.

This article will be updated throughout the day to reflect any further developments or insights from the ongoing matriculation ceremony at the University of Ghana.

However, students can stream the following links to watch the ongoing virtual matriculation being held based on their respective colleges.

College of Education https://youtu.be/efsIjMHo2u4?si=XHBcX9rC6VsmPZ7L

College of Humanities https://youtu.be/ZxlUC1LmwTQ

College of Basic and Applied Sciences https://youtu.be/m6D161CPI3k?si=5eJQRLh562cCxF9G

College of Health Sciences https://youtu.be/AdUTisoOt2M?si=SDaSvhI_FlP9NLlz

by s13a4df5t6y7 | 2024-02-17 19:52 | Entertainment | Comments(0)

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