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How University of Ghana students can view their academic transcript on the mis web.

 How University of Ghana students can view their academic transcript on the mis web._e0437463_04343259.jpeg

Checking Your Grades: A Guide for University of Ghana Students on the MIS Web

For University of Ghana students, exam season is followed by the nerve-wracking wait for results. Thankfully, the university provides a convenient online platform, the MIS Web, for students to access their grades efficiently. Here's a comprehensive guide to navigating the MIS Web and checking your results:

 How University of Ghana students can view their academic transcript on the mis web._e0437463_04412514.jpg

Accessing the MIS Web:

  1. Open your web browser.
  2. Navigate to the University of Ghana website: https://www.ug.edu.gh/
  3. Click on the "Staff (or Student)" tab, depending on your status.
  4. Select "MIS Web" from the drop-down menu.

Logging In:

  1. On the MIS Web login page, enter your Student Number.
  2. Enter your Personal Identification Number (PIN). If you have forgotten your PIN, click on the "Forgotten PIN" button and follow the instructions to retrieve it.
  3. Click on the "Login" button.

Finding Your Results:

  1. Once logged in, tap on the 3 dashes that appears at the top right corner on the MIS Web homepage.
  2. Click on "Student Enquiry".
  3. Select "Academic Record (Local)" from the pop-up list under student enquiry.
  4. A list of your courses and their corresponding grades will be displayed.

Additional Features:

The MIS Web offers other functionalities beyond checking results, including:

  • Viewing your academic transcript.
  • Registering for courses.
  • Checking your fee payment status.
  • Updating your personal information.

Important Tips:

  • Ensure you have a stable internet connection before accessing the MIS Web.
  • Bookmark the MIS Web login page for easy access in the future.
  • Keep your login credentials confidential and avoid sharing them with anyone.
  • If you encounter any difficulties accessing the MIS Web or your results, contact the University of Ghana IT Helpdesk for assistance.

By following these steps and utilizing the additional features available, University of Ghana students can efficiently manage their academic journey through the MIS Web platform.

by s13a4df5t6y7 | 2024-02-17 05:03 | Entertainment | Comments(0)

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